The film is a deffinate teen film, something you would see the younger genrations watching. It has the sterotypical 'hot' girl and 'hot' boy characters and the stereotypical american lifestyle. It also comepltely destroys the true idea of what a vampire really is, and makes it soft, again something suitable for teenagers to watch.
Throught the film hold comdeic value, when the actor David Tennant plays a fake vampire killer Peter Vincent, bringing a comedy streek to the film, and in many ways mocking a lot of people that actually do it in real life.
The poster shows the two main charcters, the boy stodd with an axe instantly refferring to him as the herro then you have what you persume is the villan in a faint image of his face ressembly the sky, showing how hes watching over him. The dark lights used fading into rewd and amber sunlit colours hep to show dakrness and light meet, it shows the idea of fear and death. The beeding red eyes that stare ressembles hell or the devils in connmotes the idea of danger and how hes not human, you can get from this poster the film is not something happy and joyful the storyline will be something dark and different to the 'norm'. The tittle is postioned at the bootom The letters F and T are shaped in the style of a stakegving the hint of vampires, the writing is bold red and with a acomplete black backgroup allowing the title to stound out.