Thursday, 15 October 2015

Costume design

Costume design is very improtant in a film. As instantly it is what people see, it allows people to eastablish what the character is like and what there purpose or job is. For example take a women in a suit for example instantly you think high class and professional, whereas if they wore a tracksuit and trainers you would think lowerclass and a little less professional. It all comes down  to steareoptypes and how you imagine clothes to tell about a person. For this we want Cara to be in Pjs this instantly will show that shes in bed or in a comfy environment, possibly from the character shown on the top it will give an idea that she is quite young. We want her to be dressed casual and comfy the hair to not be done up propperly just hung loose with a pretty basic makeup look if non at all to show she is ready for bed. Where as freddie will be dressed in uniform to show how hes is at work and has to set a standered his clothes will be wet from the rain indicating how long he had being stood there and for them to be slightly ruined and a little all over the place. From this you can imagine him being young and not really bothered about his appearance you can also tell that his job is nothing too porfessional or in need of having to look incredibly smart.

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