Wednesday 6 April 2016

Question 1

1. In what ways does the media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In my opinion I believe that I observed the conventions and continuity to a certain extent. We made sure our film came across as very porfessional looking by using a still camera placing it on a tripod and making sure our shots were clear. We wanted our film to have a clear storyline and very easy to follow and I believe we accomplished that by having a simple storyline to follow but it still holding true to the genre that we chose to do.

I believe that we have stuck well with the genre of our film with a very straight forward narration of a young girl home alone in the dark hearing unusual noises. This instantly gives indication to a horror and thriller style film. By firstly showing a young girl in her home in bed it sets the scene to show that its more than likely night time then leading the earie sound affects to help create that chilling feeling and suspense. Throughout the film we have short clips of a POV shot from outside indicating the idea of someone else is there and watching this gives clues to something is going to happen.

However, our film is not pure horror we wanted to add elements of comedy throughout, the girl picks up a ukulele for her weapon to protect herself obviously that’s something that would not really save a person’s life we also have the elements of the cat and how the person knocking on the door was in fact a pizza delivery man. Our film took inspiration from many films with the knocking as a lot of horror films have unusual noises especially in the film our main audience pleasure is purely entertainment we want to make the audience feel on edge but become enlightened from the comedy of what the noise actually is. You could also take moral of the story to not everything is as it seems to be you may be in fear but sometimes in the end it isn’t as bad as it seems. Richard Dyer had a theory of entertainment. One of those theories is intensity we have a lot of close up shots of her face clearly showing her expressions and most of the time her expressions are of fear and worry.

Before creating the film we did a lot of research to take inspiration from one of which was ‘physcho’ from the harsh sound affect famously used in the shower scene it also inspired us for our film poster the use of colour was taken from the one we saw of his the yellow to show slight impurity where as to using just pure white.

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