Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Independent analysis of an opening title

In the opening titles for "Saw" there are a variety of things that we could include in our own film. The writing states things such as the cast and crew. This will be important as it gives credit to the people who deserve it. The people who have made the film want it to be clear that it is theirs and including their names on the opening title is a good way to do this. Another thing i noticed about the writing is the chilling font that it is written in. The letters appear to be drawn, or more scratched, onto the screen. The scratching indicated people trying to escape, keeping in with the genre of the film and the idea of the death traps used throughout the film. By using a scary font, the film has already begun to scare the audience with a small and simple detail, making the font very important as it can give a certain message to the audience before the film has even begun.

Another thing that the opening titles included were key items and locations for both the horror convention and the specific film. Things like the clock and the stopwatch and padlock represent the death traps that Saw uses throughout the film, whereas the scary brick walls and stair cases present a more general view of the horror genre. The images on the screen are very flickery and jump about the screen. This emphasises the horror genre as it confuses the audience, giving them a feeling of insecurity and vulnerability. These are all things that we can include in our film as we want the beginning to appear scary and full of suspense, up until the pizza boy is revealed and the comedy begins.

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