Tuesday, 3 November 2015


There is a small montage of a house with things such as a not from the mum reminding her to do things like feed the cat, telling the audience that she is away. General view of what the house is like. Lots of panning shots and fades to create an eerie atmosphere, almost like the driving scene in "The Shining". After the credits have finished, there is a shot of a girl in bed. A knocking sound is suddenly heard but the girl remains sound asleep. There is then a close up of the girls eyes on her side. The knocking continues until suddenly her eyes shoot open wide. She then sits up, which is shown by a match on action as the shot changes to the bed and upwards. The knocking stops and she lays back down. The knocking starts again and she gets out of bed. The camera follows her in a pan as she walks to the window to look outside. She can't see anything, shown by a point of view shot out of the window. The knocking continues to she grabs her ukulele as a weapon, which we will show with a shot from under the bed where the ukulele is stored. The under the bed shot will remain until she is at the bedroom door, when the camera will change to a close up on her hand as the opens it. As she goes down the stairs and says the dialogue, there will be a large mix of shots in order to create suspense. When she reaches the kitchen, there will be a point of view shot where we can see a figure through the frosted glass of the outside door. As she walks towards the door, the camera remains point of view in a hand held shot. There will be another close up on the door handle as she goes to open this one and the door will open suddenly to reveal a mid shot of the pizza boy. Their following conversation will be done with shot reverse over the shoulder shots. When she goes and sits in the living room after their conversation, it will be a very wide shot in order to see the pizza boy walking past the window. When she goes and gets the pizza menu there will be a close up of the pizza menu and the phone that she is calling from. There will be a close up of her mouth on the phone as she says "Can i order a pizza for delivery please?" and then the screen will go straight to black. The ending credits will then role.

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