Our first session of filming was very successful and we managed to record over half of our footage needed for the film to be edited and produced. When filming, we decided to film each scene in a chronological order so that we didn't miss out any vital footage need to maintain continuity.
A last minute shot that we decided to add to the film was a shot from under the bed when Cara grabs a ukulele. We felt that this shot was rather clever as it was a shot that was shrouded in darkness and helped build suspense.
A problem that we encountered during filming was that the lighting wasn't ideal. We wanted to set this film during the night but we had no choice but to film during the day. To try and solve this problem, we closed curtains, and blocked any light that leaked onto the shot. However sometimes this would lead to people accidently appearing within the frame. To resolve this, we adjusted the shot to help maintain the low key lighting and also making sure that no members of the crew were in shot.
After our first filming session, we realised that we needed more time to film so we are hopefully going to have out secind filming session in the next couple of weeks.
Below are some of the shots that we filmed during this session:
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