Thursday 17 September 2015


There are three types of theories when it comes to audience, these are the Effects Model or Hypodermic Needle theory, the uses and gratifications theory and the reception theory. 

The effects model states that audiences are highly influenced by what they see in the media, and passively agree to what they see. A powerful message in the media is believed to have negative influences on people. It is sometime referred to as the hypodermic needle as ideas are injected into the audiences minds and they become addicted to what they watch. To try and prove this theory a group of children watched a video of an adult violently attacking a bobo doll. They were then taken into a room with a bobo doll where 88% of the children elicited violent behaviour towards the bobo doll. Eight months later, 40% of the children reproduced the violent behaviour they showed before. This could help to prive the theory, however there are reasons to believe that the experiment may have been a set up with the children told that they should beat up the doll.

Uses and gratifications is the opposite of the effect model, and believes that the audience is active and uses the media rather than the media using them. The power belongs to the audience and they are not influenced by what they see in the media. Audiences can use the media in a number of different ways, these are diversion, escapism, information, pleasure, comparison and sexual stabilisation. They are also in control of how they use what they see in the media, by using it for education, emotional satisfaction, relaxation, help with issues of personal identity, help with social identity and help with aggression and violence. It suggests that media can help people rather than hindering, and that people who take out their aggression on media sources like video games are less likely to use violent behaviour in public. 

The reception theory suggests that media has hidden messages, and that it's down to the audience to try and decode it. Sometimes they will decode it correctly, however sometimes they will decode it incorrectly. The reception theory breaks up three different types of audience interpretation. Dominant is when an audience correctly decodes the message and strongly agrees with it, negotiated is when the audience partly agrees with the media, however they challenge and disagree with elements and oppositional is when the audience completely disagrees with what they read.

Our audience will probably be a 15 as our film may have scary thees or adult references, however it will not be too extreem to make it an 18 as not everybody in our group is 18. Our film is likely to be a thriller, drama or horror so our audience will be 15 to 30 as that is the demographic that is most likely to watch these types of films and we want to appeal to them as much as possible by putting as many conventions in as possible.

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