Tuesday 22 September 2015

Detailed Storyline


The camera shows an establishing shot of a girl in her bed. Flashes of light appear every so often as well as the sounds of thunder and rain. A close up is taken of her waking up, looking slightly confused. She walks to the bathroom to get a glass of water and then walks back to the bed. She lays there for a while, then the sound of tapping begins. She goes to the window and checks, then the title sequence appears on the screen the sound of tapping repeats itself as well as the sound of thunder and rain.The camera goes back to her in her room still stood by the window. She look confused but doesnt do anything apart from walk back to her bed. She sits there for a while looking around everything is quiet. Her head turns to the window the tapping starts again. She jumps down from her bed and runs to her window. She grabbs her blind and the tapping stops. She waits for a while she doesnt move. she hears the tapping coming from behind her. The camera pans across the floor following her feet and she draggs them across the floorboards. Her hand girps the door handle. The tapping stops. Her figure stands still, a close up of her expressions is shown, fear, its quiet yet again, the phone rings (loud) she jumps and stares she doesnt answer it, she stays at the door screaming for it to stop. It does. She decides to go down stairs her hand grips the banister as she slowly walks down the staires. she goes straight to the door. she looks through the peep whole. The lightening flashes onto a tall black figure. She jumps back. She waits for a second and goes to look again. The figure is getting closer and closer. The sound gets louder. She becomes panicked not knowing what to do she grips the handle. The tapping starts again. Shaking she put's the latch on the door before proceeding to open, slowly, she peeps through the door, no one is there, she closes the door back up and takes off the latch. She waits a second and then opens the door fully she steps out ever so slightly nothing, no one, shes confused, scared, she steps back in. She closes the door waits, she hears a russling she grabs the door quickly, a man stood there, wet through holding a pizza, her hole body drops and her limbs become untensed, she begins to laugh while the man looks confused. He says her order and the  girl says she didnt order any pizza. The girl keeps laughing and closes the door after pointing out which house he was actually looking for. The screen cuts to black and the sounds of tapping starts again. Helping to show the pizza guy tapping on the next door neighbours house.

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