Tuesday 15 September 2015

short story Ideas


Title sequence appears on the screen the sound of tapping repeats itself as thunder and flashes of lightning begins. the camera cuts to the girl laying in bed. She wakes from the sounds and looks to be confused. the camera focuses on her puzzled expression as the sound of tapping gets louder and becomes the focus. She looks to the window until waiting a while and then going to investigate. She reaches for the blind and the tapping stops. The girl looks confused and then goes back to bed.
The tapping starts again this time the girl runs to the window and quickly opens the blinds again the tapping stops she stands there looking through the window before slowly turning her head to face the door the tapping starts again. Slowly scrapping her feet across the floor boards  her hands grasp the door handle. It stops. She stays for a second
To make the story jumpy the phone rings loudly. She flinches and goes to the phone. Its her friend she laughs it off and goes back to bed, and lays to her side . All of a sudden it goes silent you see the quilt move behind her as though something is there with her. The camera cuts to a close up on her eyes, she stays still the screen cuts to black where the tapping begins again.
She goes to the door and looks through a peep hole after that she sees lightening shadowing over a figure. she opens the door and he becomes closer the sound of squelching gets louder and the shadow gets larger. she walks back inside slowly, then...all of a sudden... the man stands in the light its a pizza delivery man. When the screen cuts to black the tapping starts again to show how he is now tapping on next door.

Story Two

A girl and are boy are walking through the woods. They see a trail of sweets leeding to a lake. The young girl follows as the boy hessitates. She stops and tries to get him to follow but he doesnt. The girl carries on. it becomes darker and but she takes no notice. everytrhing stops no sound everything is silent. she looks up as two feet stand infront of her. Its an old women. She greets her and ask why she is so far out into the woods. The girl stays silent. The women notices she found her sweets and invites her to her home where she has plenty more. The girl turns back and says she must be getting back, her brother will be wating. The women grabs her arm tightly then releases slightly. "It wont take long" she says "ill just give you some for you journey, ill give you some for your brother too" the girl follows her a little confused. She comes up to a small house. The women goes inside. The grl ponders for a while before entering afterwards. "i really should be going" the girl says "i need to get home"the women goes to locke the door. theres a knock. its her brother calling her name.

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