Monday 14 September 2015

Short Film Ideas


Genre: Drama

Beginning - Establishing shot of house and then it fades to black. Sirens and Bursting flames can be heard during the blackout.

Middle - Hospital. A patient lays on a hospital bed as they are suffering from severe burns from a house fire. A doctor and the patients partner are also in the room with them. Then, the partner is escorted out of the room and into the corridor of the hospital. Here, the patients partner and the patients sister sit and begin to talk. The patients partner talks about how they feel that their partner won't think that they will love them anymore and they begin to get upset.

End - The doctor tells the partner that they are about to take off the bandages and see how bad the burns are. Slowly, the doctor pulls off the bandages. When they finally see them, they say how much they love them and that it will never make a difference.


Genre: Comedy

Beginning - Title sequence shows a hit man getting ready to kill somebody. Receives a phone call. He is given his target which he must terminate. He must kill this person before the day is up.

Middle - He makes several attempts to kill the target but fails many times. As there are more and more attempts, they become more and more rash and desperate.

End - The hit man is almost run over while trying to follow the target however, he is saved by the target. The target then says that he knows who the hit man and it turns out the target is his son and they go the pub and the hit man decides to quit his job.

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