Friday 18 September 2015

Short Film Analysis

The short film which I looked at was called fake. It basically shows how girls see an image and believe that, that is how to look when in reality no one is perfect. I find the short film very clever as it brings in the whole element of comedy to it however still gives out a very serious message. To be happy in yourself and don’t change just to make others like you.
The short film is about a girl who is clearly self-conscious and is in a rush to get ready for a dat. It shadows the effect of how girls are insecure and believe that they should look like the models in magazines and other things. Something happens and she is able to change herself my moulding her body. Later on the doorbell rings when her date arrives and she doubts herself even after changing. The clips skips to old photos of herself and then back to what she is now. Slight suspense occurs as the shots cut to the door and then back to her. The screen has a close up of the man to show his expression before quickly cutting to her and she’s back to her normal self. It shows how you don’t have to change yourself to impress somebody that no one is perfect, and you should be happy in the way that you are.

The music used throughout the short film is pretty happy and upbeat. However when she opens the door the music goes a little softer. To help create an emotion of how he felt when he first saw her. it also slows down when she hears the door being rang after she has changed herself. Again this helps to make the audience realise that she is revaluating herself to think why am i changing myself? It lets the audience think it as well why should you change yourself for others?

The music begins to go slow when she starts thinking about what she has done to herself. This really helps to set a mood where the audience can start to think about how you don’t need to change yourself to make people happy.
The lighting is low key and helps to create a cosy mood and very homely. In the picture above you can see earing and other things scattered around on the desk to help create a very stereotypical girls bedroom.
The short film begins at a fast pace this helps for the audience to instantly realise that she is in a rush, then the pace changes nearer to the end, it becomes slow. It becomes slow when the doorbell rings. It connotes how she is thinking what she has done. CGI is used when the moth is flying around the room as the camera pans across to show the audience a feel of where the scene is set.

They also use CGI and special effects when she is changing around her face.

 The clips holds a lot of close ups to shows how she is constantly looking at herself and judging. It is as though the camera is the mirror and it is her point of view. Trying to connect the audience and put themselves into her perspective.

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