Monday 14 September 2015

Short Film Ideas

The Parcel

Genre: Action, Thriller

Beginning- A group of friends are playing a game of poker or some other card game. One of the groups "associates" comes into the room seemingly angry and worried about something and carrying a parcel/briefcase.

Middle- The "associate" hands over the parcel/briefcase demanding it be delivered to a certain address by midnight (2 and a half hours away). They cannot lose or damage the parcel/briefcase at risk of death. While they try to deliver it they are being pursued by someone willing to kill for what is inside.

End- Once they get to the address about 6 minutes before midnight battered and bruised, covered in blood they hand over the parcel/briefcase. Someone (only the hands) is shown to open the parcel/briefcase but the audience never get to see what is inside.


Forever’s Friendship

Genre: Drama
Beginning- View of a child’s drawings depicting them and their bestfriend. Cuts to the child (now a teenager) outside talking to their bestfriend while walking down the street.

Middle- While the teenager and their bestfriend is walking down the street talking one of the teenager’s school friends sees them and start to walk over to talk. The friend convinces the teenager to ignore their school friend so they walk away laughing in a stereotypical way of ignoring someone (laughing at an untold joke etc.) The school friend watches after them looking confused and slightly worried. 

End- Once teenager gets home they are met by the teenager’s parents. One of the parents drops a letter on the table in front of the two. The word “Schizophrenia” holds focus and the teenager looks towards a mirror where only her reflection is visible. 

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