Tuesday 22 September 2015

Character Profiles

Cara Myers

Cara, 17 years old is a semi-stereotypical girly girl who loves to wear black the year through. Her parents are usually away for work but of having friends round to have drinks and trash the house she tends to watch late night TV or 80s films before going to sleep. She is a good student at Sixth Form and has a large circle of friends that she regulary spends time with in her spare time. As she tends to home alone most of the time she has lost the usual children's fear of darkness and being alone at night but can be quite skittish and startelled with loud or expected noises. As her parents are out for the night and she is tired she decides to go to sleep early. 
In the Short Film she starts to hear knocking noises that she can't seem to explain. As she starts to investigate where the noises are coming from she starts to worry and become frightened thinking that the worst may happen and that the knocking is someone/something that wants to kill her. She then finds out that Freddie the Pizza Guy was the one making the knocking noises all along because he took his order to the wrong house. After correcting Freddie on his error she procceds to order a pizza herself adding to the comedy twist ending.

Freddie The Pizza Guy

Freddie is a pizza guy for the local takeaway. He is working for them at weekends to try and save money for University as he hopes to do Criminology at Warwick University. He tends to quite confused or doesn't pay attention to regulary takes deliveries to the wrong houses.
In the Short Film Freddie turns out to be the one making the knocking noises as he is delivering a pizza but has gone to Cara's house thinking it's the house that ordered the pizza. This should then give a comedic twist to the ending of the film.

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