Monday 14 September 2015

Film Ideas

Prom Date

A boy is planning on asking a girl to the end of year dance today. He has decided to ask her before school but he can't find her. He then decides that he will instead ask her at lunch. Again, he can't find her. He sees a glimpse of her walking out of the lunch hall and chases after her. When he gets out of the lunch hall she has once again disappeared. After school, when he has almost lost hope he sees her again. He goes up to her and asks her to the dance, but it's too late, and she tells him that somebody else has just asked her and she has said yes.

Illegal Marriage

A girl is marrying an illegal immigrant for money in order to keep him in the country. After spending time together, they quickly realise that they're in love. They go through with the wedding and set up a happy life together, until one tragic day when the girl gets hit by a car and dies with her husband at her bedside.


The morning after committing suicide, Maddie wakes up in her bed, confused at why she's still here. When she goes downstairs, she realises that her attempt was successful, however she now has to suffer the aftermath of what she's done. She sees her devastated parents ringing work to tell them why they won't be in, choking up and struggling to say the words. She sees her little brother, confused at where his big sister has gone. She sees her boyfriend and her best friend wondering why she isn't replying to their texts. She sees teachers with solemn looks on their faces as they explain to their classes what has happened. She sees her best friend walk down crying in the class room, everybody feeling too uncomfortable to comfort her. She watches as her boyfriend silently stands up and walks out of his class room. He walks quickly and calmly as he heads towards the door. When he's outside he runs to the bins and starts kicking them over and kicking them into the floor. She sees people who hardly knew her sitting and feeling numb, wondering if it would have helped if they'd said hi when they walked past her yesterday.


A group of girls are gathered at a sleepover, chatting and gossiping. All of a sudden a robber walks in and threatens them all with a kitchen knife. They all start to panic until he tells them to be quiet or he'll kill them, and that all he wants is their valuables. They start cooperating until one of their friends who is late to the party walks in, slamming the door into the robber and knocking him out.

King Midas

A boy called Matty with the power to turn anything to gold with his left hand. He turns things into gold to sell on for money and likes to use his power to impress people. He goes to a party and is showing off his talent to everybody at the party by turnng things into gold. He gets talking to a girl and is showing her the thinbgs he can turn to gold. They start kissing inthe kitchen and decide to go upstairs to one of the bedrooms. Whan they're in the bedroom they are kissing and he accidentallly touched part of the girls skin with his left hand as his glove gets pulled off in the excitement. She turns to gold and the girl turns to gold. Horrified, he runs out of the house and home where he finds a loved one. He begins to cry and forgets that he still doesn't have his glove on. He runs to hug the loved one. They turn to gold and he realises what he has done. He goes to put his head in his hands and the film ends as his hands touch his face.

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